Kaavan was dubbed "the World's Loneliest Elephant" after spending more than 8 years in total isolation in Marghazar Zoo, Islamabad, Pakistan. Prior to his partner, Saheli's death in 2012, he'd spent the vast majority of his 34 year life on a 10m chain in the confines of a small, dilapidated enclosure with Saheli being his only stimulation. Following her demise, he was kept totally alone and remained chained at the ankle.

Noticing his psychological and physical deterioration after her death, visitors to the Zoo began to raise concerns over his well-being. Their pleas were initially directed at the Zoo management, but as no action was being taken, the people of Pakistan and most notably, Anika Sleem and her colleagues at Team Kaavan, began online campaigns to raise awareness for Kaavan's plight.
These social media campaigns reached the award-winning actress, musician and humanitarian, Cher, in 2015. Learning of Kaavan’s struggles, she immediately sought the means to improve Kaavan's situation. These efforts led her to Mark Cowne, of Kruger Cowne and his wife Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne; two life-long conservationists.
Together, Cher, Mark and Gina formed the charity, Free The Wild, to assist Kaavan and other suffering wild animals in captivity. They set out to collect and collate as much information as possible in a bid to have Kaavan freed. This included an exploratory visit to Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary in 2016.

Following substantial lobbying with zoo officials for better living conditions - as was Free The Wild's primary intention - they were able to convince the Zoo's board of directors in 2016 to release Kaavan from his chains, repair his accommodation and provide him with water in his pool. But, over the period, their work with Kaavan revealed that he was suffering from deep, significant mental health issues and needed to be released from the zoo.
After several visits to Pakistan, Mark and Gina made connections within the government, designated roles to representatives on the ground, arranged legal council and lobbied the Zoo's controlling authorities.
In recognition of Anika Sleem of Team Kaavan's efforts, in 2018 Anika was formally invited to become a Free The Wild Trustee; bringing with her all of her connections and her knowledge of Pakistan and its associated diplomacies.
2018 was a year of great change in Pakistan and saw Imran Khan being elected the country’s Prime Minister and the establishment of a new government - all relatively unaware of Kaavan's plight. The new government gave control of Marghazar Zoo to the Ministry of Climate Change. With these changes, Free The Wild needed to completely renegotiate the entire retirement and relocation of Kaavan and develop an altogether new relationship with the people in charge.
After almost five years of negotiation, conflicts with pro-zoo lobbyists and, more recently, the COVID-19 world pandemic, Free The Wild finally received a resounding agreement from the Pakistan Government, confirming that Marghazar Zoo would cease operations and, not only Kaavan, but all of its animal inhabitants were allowed to be re-homed.

On receipt of this news and within a space of just five months, Free The Wild worked to arrange the relocation of Kaavan, along with appropriate medical care, transportation and logistics. Being such a small team, they are deeply grateful for the support offered by their NGO partners, Four Paws and Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary.
Kaavan, being the most famous of the zoo's residents, remained the focus of the entire project. With assistance, Free the Wild were able to have Kaavan's CITES permits processed, build a transfer crate, improve his diet, arrange heavy duty ground and air transport, stimulate his mind and improve on his overall psychological and physical welfare.
At the end of November 2020, the founders of Free The Wild team united in Pakistan, with their local team members, to answer questions, strengthen ties with the Pakistan government and ensure Kaavan was fit to travel. Since Free The Wild’s first visit they were sure that Kaavan knew people were trying to help him. During the transfer visit, it was abundantly clear that Kaavan’s stereotypical stress related behaviours had dramatically reduced and he was willing, at every turn, to do what he needed to, to facilitate his treatments and his transport.

Travelling by his side, Dr. Frank Goeritz, one of the world's leading elephant veterinary experts, was delighted at how well Kaavan handled his sedation over the 23-hour, 4000km journey by road and air, to Cambodia.

Taking his first steps on Cambodian soil at 23:45pm on Monday evening, 30 November 2020, Kaavan seamed immediately happy and at ease at home in his quarantine enclosure at Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary.

With the amazing compassion and dedication of the team at Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary and, Darrick, Lek and Pedro in particular, Free the Wild are overjoyed at the prospect that Kaavan - the world's loneliest elephant - is lonely no more.

While his journey may be over, Kaavan's life now continues in total bliss and Free The Wild's mission goes on.
Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary is currently building Kaavan’s 10-acre enclosure, to which he will be transferred within the next few months. Please stay tuned to Free the Wild’s social media for regular reports.
Free The Wild has already set its sights on the next animals in need; Bua Noi, the female gorilla, and the other primates at the Pata Zoo in Thailand and Billy the elephant in LA zoo. Bua Noi has been alone in the Bangkok zoo, for over 30 years. She has been confined to an area of more or less 25 sq metres; no greenery, no fresh air and no direct sunlight. She sits and sleeps on a concrete floor. Her only stimulation comes from the people who feed her twice a day. Gorillas are highly intelligent, social creatures that travel upwards of 40km every day in the wild. Being confined to a concrete cage in the middle of a department store is cruel - holding her there, in solitary confinement for three decades is inhumane.
It was through your generous support and donations that Free the Wild were able to achieve Kaavan's freedom - Please, help Free the Wild to do the same for their other animals rescues, including Bua Noi, her fellow primates at Pata zoo and Billy the elephant.

What an amazing journey Kaavan's release has been and, while it's taken over five years to get to the finish line, we are elated with the result! Cher, Mark and Gina are more committed than ever and look forward to working with you, our next team of experts, NGO partners and the people of Thailand to help Bua Noi!
Thank you all for your continued support and well done in helping Kaavan become the world's luckiest elephant!
Free The Wild
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Hurdacı, genellikle eski, kullanılmayan ya da bozulan eşyaları toplayan, satan veya geri dönüştüren kişilere verilen isimdir. Hurdacılar, genellikle demir, metal, cam, plastik ve kağıt gibi malzemeleri toplar ve bu malzemeleri ya tekrar kullanıma sunar ya da geri dönüşüm için çeşitli tesislere teslim ederler. Bu kişiler, atıkların doğaya zarar vermesini önlemek amacıyla önemli bir görev üstlenirler. Hurdacılık, çevre dostu bir iş dalı olarak, doğanın korunmasına katkı sağlamaktadır. Ancak bu işin ekonomik değeri de büyüktür, çünkü geri dönüşüm sayesinde değerli hammadde elde edilebilir.
Hurdacılık, yalnızca eski eşyaların toplanmasıyla sınırlı değildir. Aynı zamanda bu eski eşyaların işlenmesi ve yeniden kullanılabilir hale getirilmesi sürecini de kapsar. Hurdacılar, topladıkları malzemeleri genellikle hurda metal, eski makineler, atık elektronik eşyalar ve benzeri ürünlerden ayırır ve sınıflandırırlar. Bu…
Hurdacı, eski eşyaları, atık materyalleri ve kullanılmaz hale gelmiş nesneleri toplayarak geri dönüşüm süreçlerine kazandıran kişilere verilen isimdir. Hurdacılar, genellikle metal, kağıt, plastik, cam gibi geri dönüştürülebilir materyalleri toplar ve bu maddelerin yeniden işlenmesini sağlar. Topladıkları hurdalar, çeşitli sanayi dallarında yeniden kullanılabilir hale getirilerek, hem çevreye katkıda bulunur hem de ekonomik bir değer yaratılır. Hurdacılık, genellikle geri dönüşüm sektörünün temel taşlarından biri olup, doğal kaynakların korunmasına büyük katkı sağlar.
Hurdacılar, halk arasında "hurda toplayıcıları" veya "geri dönüşüm işçileri" olarak da bilinir. Bu kişiler, genellikle sokaklarda veya belirli hurdacılık merkezlerinde çalışarak, evlerden, iş yerlerinden ya da inşaat alanlarından atık malzemeleri toplar. Hurdacılık, sadece büyük çaplı iş yerleri veya fabrikalarda değil, aynı zamanda günlük yaşamda da önemli bir faaliyet alanıdır. Hurdacılar, eski…
Hurdacı, eskimiş, kullanılmaz hale gelmiş veya değerini yitirmiş eşyaların toplanıp satılmasıyla geçimini sağlayan kişilere verilen isimdir. Hurdacılar, genellikle metal, plastik, cam, kağıt, tekstil ve elektronik gibi farklı türde atıkları toplayarak bunları geri dönüşüme kazandırır ve karşılığında gelir elde ederler. Bu kişiler, sokaklarda, inşaat alanlarında, evlerde ve çeşitli iş yerlerinde hurda malzeme arayarak, bu malzemeleri uygun fiyatlarla alır ve satmak üzere depolar. Hurdacılık, büyük ölçüde geri dönüşüm sektörünün önemli bir parçasıdır ve çevre bilinci açısından da büyük bir rol oynar.
Hurdacılar, genellikle belirli bir bölgedeki atık malzemeleri toplar ve bu süreçte çevreyi kirletmemeye özen gösterirler. Yani, gereksiz yere atılan ve hala değer taşıyan malzemeleri toplayarak hem çevre kirliliğini önlerler hem de bu atıkları yeniden kullanmak için geri dönüşüme kazandırırlar. Bu durum,…